Instructions for Course Project for Introduction to R
- Choose an organism of interest from the list of available releases at UCSC: UCSC Genome Releases.
- Download genomic information of interest from the following website, as a *.tsv file(s): UCSC Table Browser. We will go over a specific example of this in class.
- Decide on a question of interest which can be explored using the data set.
- Use R to analyze the data set using the methods you have learned (or methods you have discovered through online/book searches), and answer the question of interest.
- Be creative. You can use statistical tests and modeling, or you can report qualitative findings based on exploratory analysis.
- Generate and save at least one plot representing the data you are analyzing.
- Save code as *.R file. Optional: ask classmate to reproduce analysis from your code.
- Answer your question. Report findings in a five-minute slideshow presentation. Try to include:
- Question or hypothesis of interest
- Outline of methods used for analyzing data
- Plot of results
- Discussion
All members of the HtLtC 2016 Summer Series will present their final projects on Thursday, August 4th, 2016.