Resources to Continue Learning R

Cheat Sheets

It can be helpful to keep sticky notes, cheat sheets, and digital/physical notebooks around you so that you can keep a record of what you have learned to do in R.

Other R topics

Courses at UNC

Here are a few examples of R and Programming courses/modules for biomedical researchers at UNC.

  • Introduction to Data Analysis and Statistics with R (GNET 743 and here)

  • Introduction to Statistical Modeling (BCB 720 and here)

  • UNIX and Perl for Biomedical Researchers (GNET 742 and here). These go over the important UNIX environment and Perl scripting, which you can use in conjunction with running R.

For more in-depth treatments of R, programming, and statistics, you might consider searching for courses offered through the Genetics Department (GNET), the Biostatistics Department (BIOS), the Computer Science Department (COMP), and/or the Statistics and Operations Research (STOR) Department at UNC. There is also a Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Certificate available at UNC, with details listed here.

Online Courses

There are many online resources for learning R and “Data Science”.

Wrapping Up

You survived! Just remember:

“Give a man a program, frustrate him for a day. Teach a man to program, frustrate him for a lifetime.”

― Waseem Latif


The most disastrous thing that you can ever learn is your first programming language.

― Alan Kay

(Source: Goodreads)

Practice coding. Ask questions. Seek help. Learn. Have fun!


Good Luck, and thanks for being a part of our small group!